Discover Fun Alternatives to Screens for Your Toddlers
With so much fuss about how long kids are on devices, there are endless reasons why parents search for alternatives to screens. Why you should not allow your kids to have too much screen time: A child development really gets impacted due to more screen time.
Toddlers, and thus children in general, learn by discovering you know what they say: to “see” is to experience it the world that surrounds them; preferably hands on too! In addition, this was a time when we don’t get much practical experience and socialization opportunities because of their on-screen presence. And finally, the impact on their health.

Excessive screen usage can lead to time issues when it comes to sleeping, eye strain, and definitely not exercising which is a certain need for ages. Therefore, too much screen time can impact the mood and attention of your child (and in some children it even affects their behavior).
As parents navigate a day in the life of working from home, screen time becomes one easy default solution among many. But we have alternatives so that we can give our kids a screen break, while still engaging and entertaining them in ways that are good for their development!
Engaging Indoor Activities
This is one of my favorite options to try to get off those screens for a little bit with the old toddlers. The first step is easy: art box I collect all sort of arts and crafts supplies — crayons, colored paper, stickers [the usual], and some snacks for an artistic energy boost. If I find something random, like a toilet paper roll or a bottle cap, in the recycling bin I dig it out. And this turns into an inspiration bank for my own toddlers and occupies them forever!

Lego or building with blocks are also great ideas for indoor activities. I watch my kids build out their imaginary kingdoms, from castles to neighborhoods. Seeing them dance and draw with joy on their faces is an experience that money cannot buy. Plus, it develops important fine motor and spatial skills.

Additionally, I sometimes include my kids in the process of creating DIY Play-Doh. Indefinitely affordable and far limitless capabilities. We mix together flour, salt, water and food color to prepare bright colors. When it is functional, we take Play-Doh and sculpt things such as animals or some other random abstraction. There are so many sensory bins out there, but this one just gives me an added way to connect with my toddlers while being creative in play.
Creative Outdoor Adventures
If the weather allows then I get to enjoy organizing a family picnic. No need for fancy, a couple of sandwiches and some snacks thrown on a blanket in the backyard or nearby park is perfect. My toddlers always get a kick out of selecting items to pack for the picnic, plus eating outside is always fun!
We also do some planting together. I think this is a great way to educate them about nature, and where food comes from! Choosing seeds from carrots to tomatoes, and even flowers. It is wonderful to observe the plants growing and it keeps them excited about taking care of the garden.

Another great outdoor adventure is to go on nature walks. I send my toddlers outdoors, even if it is just to search for pine cones or leaves or interesting rocks and see how they use their senses to take in the world around them. Hiking is a fabulous source of exercise and a chance for kids to learn about nature are the nature walks.
Fun Learning Activities
One of my favorite new activities has been writing letters to friends. We write simple letters or colorful cards to our family members/friends & I help my toddlers make them. Their faces light up when they get replies, which is sweet.
Storytime with audiobooks is another go-to of ours. I definitely try to work it into the day-to-day. We snuggle up with our favorite snacks and I allow the tales to take us anywhere but, here. Listening to audiobooks reinforces listening skills and provides them a screen-free activity.

A more tranquil time includes the enjoyable challenge of working together on puzzles. My toddlers and I can easily spend a good amount of time on an age-appropriate puzzle. It builds their skills in terms of solutions finding, as well as cooperation with one another, as we share the experiences that we have made together.
Imaginative Playtime Options
There’s nothing better than a blanket and pillow fort. I let my toddlers use their imagination and build a fort. They enjoy turning their living room into a hide away where we read stories or nibble on some snacks together. Simply a blanket fort and look at the imagination that can happen.
Dressing-up, or role-play is another entry invitational to limitless fun. We collect costumes and props to recreate our beloved characters. Other times we write our own stories with the kids taking the lead, spinning their magical tales in their imaginary fairytale lands.

I also enjoy creating a scavenger hunt in the home. I have hidden treasures and prepare clues that guide them to those. When they look for the “gold,” their passion and problem-solving skills shine. This type of play has the combination of fun, physical work and a mental challenge.
Active and Movement-Based Games
Sometimes I build an indoor obstacle course to keep my toddlers moving. I take the cushions, chairs and other items around my house to create a toddler course and challenge them to do this course crawling under tables & hopping over pillows etc. It is a great way to blow off some energy and I sometimes get in on the action for a good laugh!
We also really enjoy a game called the floor is lava and have to jump from couch to chair like we are not jumping on lava. Watching them laugh while making their way through the course is really contagious and it is a good mix of fun and movement.

Our family likes to party dance on occasion and I certainly cannot miss that. Throw on some of our faves and bust out the most ridiculous dance moves possible is another new great way to feel a little better and add a sprinkle of happiness into our day.
Hands-On Family Projects
Because I value any time spent in the kitchen we find ourselves cooking or baking together a lot. I love this because it allows me to involve my toddlers in some hands on learning while also pleasing our stomachs. Whether we are baking cookies or preparing an easy recipe, they enjoy getting involved and the experience of cooking.
I also like to perform easy science experiments at home. Combine vinegar with baking soda, and the response is amazing and their eyes gleam brightly! Very fulfilling seeing them be curious about the way the world works.

You will have also seen my family scrapbook, which has been a labour of love. We collect pictures, illustrations and souvenirs to capture our unforgettable moments. As well, it gets your creative juices flowing & gives your family a chance to tell stories of when we got each specific item.
Encouraging Reading and Writing
We have started dedicating time as a family to read, and this has been very helpful for us all. We create space in our days to read and through it develop an environment that nurtures a love for reading. My toddlers love this time because my husband and I frequently discuss the stories and characters.
One more enriching activity is to write stories together. I prompt my toddlers to brainstorm with thrilling story-lines, and I help them draw their stories. This helps their writing abilities as well as develops strong creative skills.

I created a journal or diary that we write all our everyday explorations into. Seeing their excitement when recording feelings and experiences has been nice. They get to think about some kind of best memories by starting to practice self-expression.
Building Relationships
Playing charades or guessing games will provide lots of laughs and connection. We have a great time enjoying endless family fun with some pretty simple prompts and fun interactions. It also improves communication and promotes creativity.
I help my toddlers get pen pals to help them cement those social connections. This is a great connection with another child and opportunties to share letters, experiences thoughts each other. You get to see the excitement on their faces when they start receiving replies!!

Lastly, one of the best ways to educate and bring family together is by sharing stories about your family history. When I tell stories from my past or about their grandparents, while trying to show them where they come from. These interactions not only cultivate family bonds, but they also provide invaluable lessons about loving and being together.
In attempting to find fun screen-free activities for my toddlers, I realize that all of these not only occupied my kids but also brought laughter and a learning experience (both ways) and bonding time (as well!). Come share my exploration of these great experiences with me, it is a rewarding process.!

There is no denying that screen time has embedded itself into our daily lives so deeply that our littlest family members aren’t immune in today’s tech-driven world. As parents, we regularly remain stuck between a rock and hard place with respect to how much time our toddlers ought to be on screen. Smartphones, streamers tablets have made it ever so simple to let kids stare at a sheet of glass longer than we wish they would. Although a little screen time can be educational and entertain kids, the effects on toddlers development and health must also be taken into account.
We have to find non-screen distractions that allow the kids to play freely and give us a moment of peace, while keeping them away from iPads or video games. Its full of exciting activities to feed their curiosity, helping parents create positive conditions for the growth of their kids while reducing screen exposure.
Tips for Building Healthy Screen Time Habits
Setting up healthy screen time habits for your children sounds like a myth, especially since screens surround us literally everywhere — TVs, tablets, phones and even smart toys. But creating a routine that is balanced enough to work with your family; can be absolutely done! The important thing is being purposeful in how and when you use screens so that they do not usurp everyday life. This is about creating healthy limits and ensuring that screens do not take the place of play, reading, or family time.
Start by setting clear limits around screen time:: The starting point is to set limits for screen time: it can be decided how many hours of screen time are ok a day? The screen time for toddlers rule of thumb is often one hour or less (from age 2) but the key is knowing what works for your family. Having set times of day when screens are allowed (e.g., after school or before dinner) helps to cut down on the incessant “can I watch TV now?” questions. Keep it consistent, so your kids will know what to feel about with the rules you set.

Make screen time intentional: Not all screen time is created equal, which is why the focus should be within quality not quantity. Try to get your kid on an app or watching a show that has created some learning value, inspiration, or other incentive for them. The apps are wonderful, teaching everything from math to problem-solving, so if they are going to have the screen time anyway why not make sure it is something educational? And whenever you can, watch or play with them. Making screen time an interactive, shared experience helps turn it into something that you do together with your child.

screen-free zones: Other great practice is to use “screen free” zones and times in your house. For example, have device-free zones, such as mealtimes and bedrooms. This prevents screens from getting in the way of family chats or sleep at night. Designated times, such as an hour prior to bedtime that applies to everyone, where all cell phones and laptops are put away can also go a long way in establishing a positive routine. It can be a family rule that applies to the parents too – kids learn that everyone needs balance.

Ultimately, building healthy screen time habits is about finding balance. Screens can be a great tool for learning and entertainment, but they shouldn’t dominate your child’s day. With a little planning and consistency, you can create a routine that works for both you and your kids.
Here are my top 7 fun ideas for keeping boredom away while disconnecting from screens! Say goodbye to hearing from your toddler, “But I’m soooooo bored!”
1. Get them outside
Im sure too that this is a wonderful method to provide toddlers outside as a pleasing option to their fun screen time! Kids are bundles of energy, and there is no better place for them to release it than in nature. Below are a few easy and fun outdoor activities for you to do with your little ones.
Plan a nature walk with your toddler: This could be anything from walking around the block or to a local park. Pack a small bag for your kids to gather cool leaves, stones, or flowers. Highlight various colors or shapes route to transform it into a mini scavenger hunt. It is a perfect opportunity for some outdoor education!

Setting up a backyard obstacle course: A fun thing to do together is create an obstacle course in the backyard. You can use items you already own at home hula-hoops to jump through, cones to zigzag around or even a blanket to crawl through. It keeps them active and allows for their coordination and gross motor skills to develop in practice. And of course it is fun watching them take on the course!

Classic outdoor games: Games like tag, hide-and-seek or just playing with a ball. Invite the older siblings or friends to take part, and they can keep toddlers going for hours while learning social skills along the way.
Plan a trip: A visit to a local farm or petting zoo can be a dream come true if your little one is an animal lover. Toddlers get so thrilled to interact with animals, and at the same time, they learn about nature and become more responsible in a practical way.

Gardening: Children of all ages enjoy getting dirty. Get them to assist in planting seeds or sprinkling watering flowers. It is a great way for them to be exposed to nature and learn how to care and take responsibility, all while having fun!

So grab your shoes, get outside, and have some screen-free fun with your littles! You will end up creating some incredible memories together plus the possibilities are endless truly.
2. Crafty is always cool
Toddlers always love doing some craft! Such an amazing creative outlet for them to be able to direct it as they want. And, as a great bonus to the screen time issue crafting is something you can do together! Be it painting, coloring or artwork from waste materials, the options are limitless!

You can prepare a small craft area with supplies such as paper, crayons, glue sticks and some old journals for cut-ups. Allow your child to unleash their imagination whilst they create their works of art. Bennett says all kinds of crafts not only offer a creative outlet, but also developmentally work on fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. So collect those supplies and prepare to create some memories while creating something together!
3. Motivate them to help out around the house
Start with Simple Tasks: Get your toddlers involved with small chores such as sorting the laundry into colours or pairing socks after washing. Make a game out of it time them and see who can find the most pairs in a certain amount of time. Not only does this occupy them and provide stimulation, but also teaches them colors, patterns and organization. When they succeed, give them a high-five or break out in a little dance to acknowledge it!

Get Cooking Together: Get your kids in the kitchen, and involved them. Most cooking or baking sessions can be read on their level. You can involve toddlers in getting ingredients together, pouring, and sprinkling tidbits over their favorite eating. Tips can include giving them tasks appropriate for their age such as tearing lettuce for a salad or measuring out ingredients so they feel accomplished. You can even make it a mini cook show where they act as chefs, which helps get creative along with great skill development.

Create a “Helper Chart: Use a chart and give them a sticker or stamp each time they assist with chores. Decide on how many stickers you need before getting a special reward, such as a fun activity or small treat It turns their contributions into a game and rewards them for helping out. It also instills the sense that they have contributed, getting more confident and eager to contribute further.
Turn Chores into Games: Add a playful aspect into tasks we do each day. Clean or organize together, use some music and turn it to a dance hall. You can allow them to use pretend cleaning tools or be superheroes who have come to save the day. Alternatively, create a “chore jar” where you have pieces of paper with different simple tasks that your child can select from daily. And what better way to spice up chores with a little surprise!

4. Dance Parties
A super fun screen free option to entertain toddlers is dance parties! Just picture a table with some jam playing, whether it be old school kids songs, nursery rhyme classics or even a little bit of family friendly pop. A useful phenoomenal way for them to burn of some energy but also just a time to chill and have fun. And it is something you can quickly participate in, which is a great bonding experience.

Find a bit of space in your living room or wherever you have some free place to use. You can throw in some colorful scarves, and ribbons to make it extra special. A great way to let your little one spin and bounce and shake out the sillies! You can switch back and forth leading the moves, you inspire their creativity which forces your them to think about how they will represent themselves in dance. Expect to find yourself laughing together at all the goofy moves you create!
5. Puzzles and board games
We know puzzles and board games are a perfect option to give toddlers their no-screen time! Seeing them put together a puzzle or manipulate tiny game pieces, is just wonderfully special. These activities are also being planned around family bonding and conversations.
Joy of Puzzles: We all know puzzles keep toddlers engaged, developing the skills they need! Choose wooden puzzles models with big chunky pieces that makes it easy for little hands to handle. You can boost them up when they get a sense of the puzzle by saying: “Good work! You found the right spot!” It not only motivates them but also instills confidence in them. For extra fun, see who can complete the puzzle together fastest “Let’s see if we can do this in five minutes!” It gamifies the problem-solving process, keeps them occupied and engaged, it makes the entire activity enjoyable

Exciting Board Games: Family board games are another ones of the lots at home! Search for games such as “Candy Land” or “Hi Ho! Cherry-O.” These games are very uncomplicated and interesting so that littles can learn to play. You can cheer each other on during the game, count spaces, and practice taking turns which teaches them valuable social skills. Even the excitement and anticipation when moving their game pieces, can bring about a ton of laughter as they cross that finish line.

Plus, it’s a great opportunity for conversations ask them what their favorite part of the game is or how they feel when they win. It’s all about creating those memorable moments together screen-free, while nurturing their development in a fun way!
6. Reading
The Magic of Reading Together: One of the best screen-free activities you can do with your toddler is read with them! You can never go wrong with a good book, nothing beat-up the anesthetic of a writer-telling stories through space and time. Reading not only entertains, whether it be a bright animated picture book or an amusing rhyming story, but also inspires their imagination. This not only helps them build their language skills but also introduces them to new concepts and instills a love for books early on. It also offers a great bonding opportunity for you to create good moments together!

Let Them Choose the Books: And to really give it that bang of fun, have your toddler choose the books they want to read. Head to the library or your nearest bookstore and have them browse the aisles. See them get lit hearing about new titles and characters! Could give you a few unexpected surprises in terms of their choices, that can create an interesting dialogue on what they find appealing. And when they feel that their stories are chosen, they will be more excited and motivated to read and engage with the material.

Create a Cozy Reading Nook: The first priority is setting up a reading corner after piling the stack of books. Create a designated space at home with lots of cushions, blankets and fairy lights if you can get as it adds magic. That book nook you snuggle up with in will be your spot to explore those adventures together.

You can take turns reading, ask questions about the story, or even act out parts to make it interactive. Creating this inviting space not only makes reading fun but also encourages a lifelong love of books!
7. Building
Engaging Building Activities: If you are looking for non-screen time and to keep toddlers occupied then building activities are a great trump card! It is just so rewarding to actually see your kiddos expressing their creativity and imagination making something with those small little hands! This not only occupies them but also gives way to exploration and discovery, thus turning into an adventure of sorts for them.
Perfect Materials for Tiny Hands: Start from basic building blocks or stacking toys that are perfect for toddlers. These toys cater to little hands and are easier for toddlers to grasp or manipulate the pieces. While constructing, they are improving small muscle movements and coordination between the eyes and hands, mastering how to balance various shapes and designs. Also, a perfect chance for them to practice patience and persistence when working things out!

Fun Challenges to Inspire Creativity: To make building even more engaging, set fun challenges for your toddler. You might say, “Can you build the tallest tower?” or “Let’s make a bridge for your toy cars!” These challenges not only turn building into a game but also encourage them to think critically and problem-solve as they work towards their goals. It’s a wonderful way to promote creativity while ensuring they’re having a blast!