50+ Photos That Prove Parenting Is not Easy
Parenting is a magical combination of love, laughter, and wonderful moments together—but let me be real with you — it is certainly not a walk in the park! Ah parenting — full of sleepless nights, sticky fingers and everything in between, comes with trials and tribulations only those who have done it before can appreciate. Here are a range of funny + chaotic + messy parenting pics to show you that there is no way on earth that this parenting gig is easy if they say it is, they sure as hell have never gone through it!
1. Sleep Deprivation At Its Finest
Some vaginas are going to need a even bigger zipperThese moms were the masterminds behindLifeSpans, which is a lavish necessary treat for new moms. If being a new parent might take some sleepless nights out of you then Some tired parents who fell asleep while out taking baby for a walk could feel for these poor mummies!
Looks like mommy and daddy finally got to take a rest, but in a strange place. It might not seem comfy, but this is the best bed they have been in for months!
2. Mother’s Day Surprise
When Mother’s Day comes around each year, fitting that most moms expect to be spoiled filthy rotten. Now, imagine this mom’s shock when it was a ‘loving’ note instead of breakfast in bed.
I guess Joshua gave this whole idea some thought. Safe to say, Josh’s mom is going to have a word with her son for disrespecting his mom on the one day of the year where they finally get to do what’s best for HER.
3. You Can Only Save One
Needless to say, more parents are working remotely, given the current state of affairs. A dad like this had to prioritize. Either the laptop and save it, or his kid.
Fortunately, he got a nice opportunity to multitask. He had been able to just catch the baby before it hit the ground and he still held the laptop on his lap. Nice save dad!
4. Construction Days
Especially for hyper-vigilant parents who seem all-seeing, kids can still manage to surprise and shock. This mom turned her back on her child for ONE SECOND and her toddler immediately was up to no good.
Her expression says it all! Fortunately, dad was standing to take this funny image. Force is definitely headed straight for a bath after this little naughty
Also Read: 7 Tips From Lazy Mom That Work Wonders
5. High Fashion
When mom says to dad — get the baby dressed. Maybe this dad had a rough time prepping the baby — he might have needed a bit more instruction, before!
This unique fashion choice is obviously a fail for the baby, but at least it doesnt seem to fuss about it. We’ve got to admit though, this looks cute.
6. Getting Upset Over A Meal
Similar to this reason, taking your toddler out where you are about to enjoy a family dinner in a restaurant can be hell at times. I guess this girl had a problem with her chicken fingers!
Rather than having her lunch she thought she would protest. The rest of the family obviously ignored it and tried to downplay the entire situation but the waitress couldn’t stop laughing.
7. Someone Help Quick!
Consider the scenario: your neighbor is banging on your door shouting about bubbles and his wife not being home. OK, well, this is what ensued when this US Marine was home alone with his kids for the weekend.
These little angels opted for a refreshing bubble bath while their dad was occupied. The time our dad freaked and actually got the neighbor lady over when he saw what the fuck that mess was!
8. Gone Fishing
He looks like he is always down for something and when his mama turned her head, he snuck off to get into trouble and cool off.
Just think what his mum must have said when she found him sitting in the tank! Fortunately, there were no fish in there. But doesn’t he look like he is having the time of his life!
9. Sibling Bath Time
When we were still small we bathed with our siblings. Many of us even have cringeworthy images from the tub following a day of play.
But this image will enter itself into the history books as legendary. So these brothers ruled that the bathtub was too small and the eldest brother made the youngest bath in the toilet!
10. A Strict Beauty Regiment
Many girls enjoy observing their mothers as they apply makeup. This little beauty queen probably wanted to kickstart a makeup trend of her own and in the absence of the watchful eye — she raided the diaper cream.
She was looking fierce and gearing up to give her mama a pose for the camera! Fortunately it only was diaper cream not her mother, Revlon!
11. Dad Hack Level: 110%
This dad is a parenting scientist! With a little ingenuity, he devised a system that allowed him to feed the baby and play his favorite video game at the same time.
Well Mom saw what her husband was up to, and she couldn’t really blame him. His system works, after all. Someone needs to start a daddy daycare with this guy!
12. Please Try Again
This mom is going to need IT help real quick! Her 11-year-old son grabbed her iPod and within minutes it was disabled.
It is 45 years locked in that this device, somehow he managed to do it by the way. That has to be some type of record.
13. A Picture Says 1000 Words
There is so much going on in this picture! While mom was taking a snap of her little girl holding a frame with her stock photo doppelganger pictured inside, it seems little brother was on his own mission.
If you look carefully in the background, you can see him appreciating the mirrors. Neither mom nor his big sis happened to notice him standing in the background. He must really love his reflection!
14. Spilt Millk
This kid had apparently never heard of the five-second rule. When he accidentally spilled his glass of milk on the floor he was immediately like a Pro & improvised!
The clear trend for Spanish football seems to be one of inevitable decline — but rather than cry over the spilt milk he dove straight in and started sucking through a straw. Which we think is great, but hopefully the floor was clean!
15. The Lemur Whisperer
Wow this baby is a heavy sleeper! During a trip to the zoo with her children, this mum was mortified to discover who had joined them in the pushchair. The mom didn’t even notice that something went wrong at first.
It was only when one of the zoo staff walked up to the unaware mum and said ‘Ma’am there is a lemur on your child. Thank God they saw it before getting home!
16. Abstract Art
This kid looks like he got a little too much excitement for one day. His mama who left him with a sitter never thought she would have to come back to her house to find this.
When his sitter had turned her back, he seized his crayons and left his artwork on the walls before going to sleep. All that troublemaking has this little fella tired out!
17. Permanent Makeup
A mum bought her kids some scented markers years before this picture was clicked. Before long her children had been using them to draw all over her face. It wasn’t wash off ink and this mum give the permanent markers the flick for life.
Years later she came across the same markers and probably guessed her kids were old enough to use them. A few hours later her children had once more drawn all over their faces in marker. Let’s hope this mother has made a terrible mistake!
18. DIY Woes
This couple thought they’d never make such a bad mistake painting their own home. They only left the toddler unattended for a few seconds and in that time frame, this occurred.
How their toddler tipped the paint can and got paint everywhere On the bright side, at least she’s not leaving paint on the carpet.
19. Left Out
When this boys mum heard her son talking to the dog in the other room, she became curious. Before the dog went to them she said she heard him find her son on the floor feeding crackers to his teddy and so he locked the dog outside.
She asked him what he was doing, and he explained that the good boys get crackers, while the bad dogs go outside. Poor doggy!
20. Something is Missing
This mom, while feeling sick, asked her husband to get the kids ready for school. And when she got sick, he was there to lend a hand.
Then, when the kids came home she realized that something was wrong. Seems her husband sent their son to school wearing one sock. Next time pay a bit more attention dad!
21. Caught in the Act
There are few things more terrifying than midnight sounds coming from your own home. This dad was alerted to something happening in the living room. It was then — when he found his son watching cartoons on the couch.
Let me remind you, this boy was not only up late watching TV but eating junk food. This crafty brat had been getting away with this for months, it seems.
22. Stay Calm, Talk Your Way Out Of It
This kid knows full well that when you play in the kitchen, you have done something wrong. His face says it all, you can see the gears spinning in his head while he writes his justification of all sorts of other nonsense.
He acts like he has his justification that goes something like ‘ before you all freak out, hear me out. How can you even stay mad at a face like that, even though he left a mess?
23. Dropped During A Family Photo
Family photos are a good way to create lifelong memories. This couple were out in the woods to capture some professional family pictures when they accidentally dropped their child. Phew — good timing on the part of the photographer here!
Check out the hilarious faces on the kids! It is yet another family memory that will remain etched in memory. Wouldn’t it be nice if this photo appeared on the family Christmas card!
24. The Last Straw
Look at the wondering face of this father. When dad’s daughter discovers a new life hack all on her own – and dad is beaming with pride
This overachiever, as her parents explain, thought one straw wasn’t enough. We have no clue how she managed to fit all those straws in her small mouth, but regardless we are simply amazed
25. Little Sunshine
How this mom totally forgot to wash off her spray tan before heading home. He fell asleep on her chest and here’s what he looked like when he woke up.
One side of his face is slightly more tan, something you see immediately. And fortunately it didn’t last because that little dude is still just as cute as a button.
26. On a Roll!
This little fella looks like he knows the goldfish shame face of being busted red flippered. When his mother wasn’t, he managed to unroll all the bathroom tessief and scatter it all over the floor.
Looks like he had a great time and we are sure this little fella will be having a go at this again. Perhaps he has a future in decoration.
27. Lego Nap
If stepping on a Lego is bad, try sleeping on one. Not that this kid, who appeared to be in a deep sleep on top of his flash cards, seems to care.
This kid must be pain-proof! Geta Piskova, 43, and her husband Andy, 45, couldn’t believe the photos which showed where she ended up – on a bed of Lego blocks.
28. Dress Code Dress Shmode
Talk about an awkward parent/teacher conference! Whenever this dad actually went to highschool with his daughter, he had no concept she forgot to wear pants. Instead, she was only in see through tights.
However, this little girl knew better than to wear the skirt her mother had laid out for her. The only person who didn’t notice was her father and her mother was so embarrassed.
29. Bath Time
The look on this girls face is everything. She made a total mess with bath paint the other day. She really looks focused and close to a glimpse of an evil villain!
Wow this little girl, has an attitude alright. Fortunately the bath paint was not too difficult to clear away because it was all over the place at the end of bathtime!
30. Quiet Before The Storm
This dad, while at home with his daughters, noticed that his girls were very quiet. He found out when he went to check the bathroom.
This was a tiny girls incorporated bathroom and what little girls do when locked in a bathroom together they adorned the bathroom with ribbons bows and stickers. It was all decorated from the mirrors to the shower…including the toilet. It sure looks pretty!
31. It’s All In The Details
Mom buys son a sweater: more closely than the design. Only when he wore his sweater to school did it dawn on her what was on the sweater.
Her son had returned home with a note from his teacher saying how the Merry Christmas design could pose an issue. But oh well, at least it was holiday-ish!
32. A Relaxing Soak In The Tub
This lucky Mum raced straight in when her son offered to put on her a lovely, relaxing bath. I mean, what could be more relaxing than that?
When she got to the bathroom she could see her son had poured bubble bath everywhere. Judging by his expression, this was probably no accident.
33. Some Privacy Please!
First of all, potty training a child is not an easy task. Every child catches on quickly or slowly. Watch out for the kid, who is struggling to learn how to use the toilet
She demands to be wrapped in a blanket before she goes to the bathroom. This might just be the wackiest method of potty training we have come across.
34. Learning Multitasking From The Best
Being a smart little six-year old, she is planning to give up working hard and work smart instead! She discovered in the process of helping me feed the baby, the fool proof method of getting it done.
Pro Juggling, balancing the bottle to hold with her foot. She’s going to be a real pro multi tasker.
35. Hide And Seek
This young lady is a pro at playing hide-and-seek, obviously. Although this appears to be a photoshopped image, it is the actual thing.
This little hider snuck between the wall and the toilet. Now we don’t know about you, but we’d be pretty fucking scared if we walked in the bathroom and saw this vergrotesque monstrosity.
36. What Goes Around Comes Around
One hot afternoon, a mom was driving home and she began munching on some sunflower seeds. The shells she spat out of her open window as she ate.
Her daughter was sitting in the back seat and had her window open as well and she didn’t know this. All those shells had flown back in and landed on her daughter. Good thing her daughter was sleeping!
37. Taking A Cat Nap
This mom was cooking dinner when she heard some strange noises coming from the family room that sounded like her cats. She continued to cook, not really paying any attention to them.
Later, she was surprised to discover her toddler inside the cat carrier, and the cat on the sofa. Apparently, this little one had been playing the part of the family cat.
38. Day Out With Dad
With her weapon of choice being little lightsabers, this little princess looks like she just slayed the Sith. In reality, she is just having fun at the lake with dad.
She does resemble a baby jedi, with her tutu and red and blue straws. Bet dad got this photo just in time.
39. All Hung Up
There are families out there that have to have their eyes peeled like a hawk, mostly when their child(s) begin to scale the kitchen countertops.
While this boy found out about doing it the hard way when he crawled onto the sink to wash his hands. While he’s climbing down his pants would get clipped in the door. His mother managed to catch him in the act.
40. You Can’t See Me
Some kids love to play hide and seek and this little girl is no exception. She normally has the best hiding places, but this time she didn’t think her spot through.
Minutes later, the speech her mom found her hiding spitting could not stop laughing at her little girl. OMG this just too cute in a funny way!
41. Onward Tiny Human
This cat appears to have adopted this baby as his own! This mischievous cat hopped up onto the little boys back while the toddler was bent over
OK, we have to admit that this does sort of look like this kitty is riding on his humans back. Weird relationship suffering aside, I am SO thankful these two are now BFFs!
42. Don’t Tell Mom!
The Day HAD COME and this father and daughter were just having SO MUCH FUN. But none of it went to plan and thankfully this hilarious image is evidence.
When the father and daughter hopped on the rope swing — gravity had some awful fun. We gotta be honest, dad’s facial expression is just hilarious. Luckily it was a soft landing
43. A Simple Misunderstanding
This mom was puzzled when this kid said he needed to go as Elvis Presley for the concert at Christmas. After all, Elvis isn’t exactly a Christmas carol. However, she sewed an Elvis costume for her son.
It was shortly after that concert that she realized she had erred in her optimism. They were all supposed to be Elves, not Elvis! Talk about a communication breakdown!
44. He’s Juggling A Lot
Well, we have to admit that this image is a bit scary to stare at. Juggling dad looks like he could drop one of em any minute now
But this pic isn’t as scary as it appears — the dad in question photoshopped this image to freak his wife out. She must have been so worried when she saw the pics!!
45. Halloween Came Early
This little girl wakes up every morning, dresses in full ridiculousness before her big brothers head off to school and then parades around them before their bus arrives.
One particular morning she wore a Pepper pig hat, tutu and sunglasses. She even had her own mug. The kids on the bus must get a kick out of this!
46. Any Time Is Bed Time
There were no signs of trouble in other homes either, it seems this little girl needed a nap soooo badly she decided to simply draw a pillow and nap instead of drawing something cooler and laying down on a bed or in a sleeping bag, of course.
That either a real lazy kid or she had already gotten her far share of excitement for the day. Anyone who walked past this was probably just rolling around pissing themselves at this.
47. Last Call
This 8-year-old has apparently stopped building the kind of things kids normally build with Lego, and has instead kept building Lego bars, complete with patrons and a bartender.
Not sure this young lad built this little rig all on his own, we suspect he may have got a little assistance from dad for this one.
48. Hide And Sleep
I mean kids can be really just crazy at times. Take this little darling over here, for example. Instead of enjoying her cozy bed, she refuses to make her bed in the strangest of places
This girl does great creativity while selecting the perfect place for taking a nap from wardrobes to bathtubs. Just ask her parents when they found her asleep in this Costco container.
49. Free Play
You can get them the coolest toys in the whole world and sometimes they just arn’t that into it. Can you even blame this mom for being astonished when her son turned the breadcrumbs she had left on the kitchen counter to a racetrack?
And when his mom turned her back for a second, he created a sandpit indoors using breadcrumbs and a lot of imagination. We thought that supper was probably a little later than normal after this.
50. Falling Head Over Heels
Toddlers take a tumble, no matter how much you want them to be safe. I have to say, these little tumbles are sometimes hilarious to watch.
This cutie accidentally face planted at the beach whilst they were spending the day there. Her parents thought it was quite amusing and managed to capture a picture of her sand-covered face before washing her down
51. Out With Dad
There is a huge difference between the way mom’s and dad’s parent and this photo is evidence. Its found a baby and his dad being adorable at the mall.
Dad puts his fries on the baby and starts to munch down, as baby sleeps on the table. This is either a parenting fail or a parenting hack — we can’t quite decide!
52. Art Appreciation
Seeing the great works of art is a teaching moment for your children. This dad had been feeling proud of taking his teen daughters to an art museum until he saw what they were doing.
Instead of beholding the beauty, these teens were Snapchatting filters to make them better. Bummer, Dad, your daughters aren’t that into art.
53. When In Rome
Few cities in the world are as stunning as Rome. There are so many experiences to be had, with great food and history too. But this was a father who wasn’t having it.
This Father, instead of visiting all the sites in Rome, had to get creative with keeping his young son occupied. We can only assume that travelling with young children was nothing easy.
54. Epic Photobomb
Just out shopping, snapping a photo of ya boo, and then the magic happens to the background. And that’s precisely how this family ended up executing the perfect photobomb of these pictures.
Everything is all right in the first, but by the second and third photo, tragedy has struck. The person taking the pictures didn’t even notice the epic fail until they got home - you can only imagine their surprise!
Parenting is tough, messy, and can be surprising and overwhelming, but it is never a waste. These photos serve as a reminder that even on the hardest of days, there is laughter, love, and happiness in the mess. And to all the parents trying your best: you are not alone and you are doing an incredible job!